Blog — aging

Navigating the Perimenopause Journey: Understanding the Lead-Up to Menopause

Posted by Behcet Bicakci on

  As women, our bodies undergo various phases and transitions throughout our lives, each presenting challenges and changes. One such significant stage is perimenopause, the precursor to menopause. While menopause typically occurs around the age of 51, the perimenopausal journey often begins around the age of 46. This transitional period can bring about various physical and emotional changes, paving the way for the eventual cessation of menstrual cycles. In this blog, we'll delve into the intricacies of perimenopause, exploring the symptoms, challenges, and ways to navigate this natural phase with grace and understanding. Understanding Perimenopause: Perimenopause, often referred to as...

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The Connection Between Men's Heart Health and Testosterone

Posted by Behcet Bicakci on

Author: Dr. Alison McAllister Men's Heart Health and Testosterone: Separating Fact from Fiction In recent times, the media has been abuzz with discussions on men's heart health and the role of testosterone therapy. Reports have raised concerns about potential links between testosterone treatment and heart attacks, prompting physicians to reevaluate the use of testosterone supplementation in men. To gain a better understanding of this complex issue, it's essential to delve deeper into the scientific study that has triggered these debates (referenced at the end of this post) (1).The study in question examined 55,593 men who initiated testosterone therapy. Among these...

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Understanding Andropause: The Male Menopause

Posted by Behcet Bicakci on

While menopause is a well-known phenomenon in women, many people are unaware that men also experience a similar hormonal decline known as andropause or the male menopause. Andropause is characterized by a decrease in testosterone levels as men age, leading to a range of physical and psychological changes. In this blog, we will explore the impact of andropause on men's health, the symptoms associated with this condition, and the potential imbalances that contribute to it.The Hormonal Changes of AndropauseAs a man ages, his body naturally produces less testosterone, the primary male sex hormone responsible for maintaining various aspects of physical...

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