
Topical Delivery of Sex Steroid Hormones and Distribution in Different Body Fluids

Publié par Ben White le

By David Zava, ZRT Laboratory Delivery of the bioidentical hormones estradiol (E2), progesterone (Pg), and testosterone (T) through the skin as a cream or gel (topically) has become a mainstay of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) for women and men. A plethora of FDA-approved pharmaceuticals, compounded, and even over-the-counter topical BHRT products are available. The popularity of these products lies not only in their ease of use but in proven clinical efficacy [1-5] in treating hormonal deficiencies mostly brought on by ageing of the female (menopause) and male (andropause) reproductive systems. Dosing for Optimal Clinical Benefit Over the past 30 or so...

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Heavy Metals, Nutrients & Mental Health

Publié par Ben White le

By Dr Kate Placzek, ZRT Laboratory Influenced by our environment, we are constantly being exposed to elements, whether nutritional or toxic. They are a big contribution to the yin yang dualism of health and disease.  With heavy metals, contamination is so extensive nowadays that it is no longer a question of whether exposure took place, but rather what the level of exposure was or continues to be. Toxicity from low levels of exposure can lead to a wide array of neurological disturbances and can be much more insidious in presentation than acute toxicity, which is, in contrast, rather obvious in...

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As A Selenium Supplement - Brazil Nuts

Publié par Ben White le

By Theodore Zava, ZRT Laboratory. Selenium is a trace essential element that is incorporated into selenoproteins. There are at least 25 known selenoproteins in the human body, their primary roles being antioxidant enzymes such as glutathione peroxidase and thyroid deiodinases that convert thyroxine (T4) to active thyroid hormone (T3). Deficiencies in selenium can be detrimental to health, while selenium excess can be just as dangerous. Brazil nuts are commonly used as a form of selenium supplementation, but it isn’t commonly known that the level of selenium in Brazil nuts is highly variable.   Why Are Brazil Nuts High in Selenium?...

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Periods: The Miracle of Bleeding for 7 Days Without Dying.

Publié par Ben White le

By Dr Alison McAllister, ZRT Laboratory ZRT is a company made up mostly of women. It’s not that we don’t have men working here, but 80% of our employees happen to be women. A combination of a company mostly of women, working in the health field, and having gone to medical school which tends to take away that filter that says “perhaps certain topics are off limits,” can lead to hilarious conversations like our one today on the favorite of all lady topics – periods! I am going to give you an inner look at a woman’s conversation about this...

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Determining the Functional Causes of Hypothyroid Symptoms

Publié par Ben White le

*By Jim Paoletti, ZRT Laboratpry Many patients who produce sufficient hormone from the gland still suffer from low thyroid symptoms. Hypothyroidism is defined as: “lack of thyroid hormone production from the thyroid gland.”  When thyroid levels are not within normal ranges, many conventional treatment protocols rush into thyroid replacement therapy. Two problems exist with this approach: If the patient has normal levels of T4 and T3—but a slightly elevated TSH—they are classified as “Subclinical Hypothyroid” and continue to suffer from symptoms. If the patient has low levels of T4 and/or T3, they are given thyroid replacement therapy—even though they may produce...

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