
Thyroid Cancer Detection

Publié par Ben White le

 The increasing incidence of thyroid cancer makes it a timely topic for any time of the year. In fact, something that every healthcare provider should know is that there's an expectation that will see a record number of papillary thyroid cancers being diagnosed, and the corresponding awareness campaign promotes a "neck check" for early detection and treatment. Additionally, it's hoped that heightened public awareness will encourage research leading to a cure for all types of thyroid cancer (TC). My review of the research literature for thyroid cancer reveals a controversy around the upsurge of this common endocrine cancer. Are more...

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What Exactly Are We Talking About Breast Cancer

Publié par Ben White le

Having breasts, or just being a woman, is indeed the biggest risk factor, since the disease is 100 times more common in women than in men. But given the controversies that continue to rage about the benefits of screening (for example, a mammogram may not pick up the most invasive and deadly types of breast cancer) it seems appropriate to step back and look at what breast cancer really is, what it is not, and who is at the most risk.  What Breast Cancer Is Not Breast cancer is not the leading cause of death in women, or even the...

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The Phenomenon of Vitamin D

Publié par Ben White le

Scientists, in early 20th century, were swiftly realising that the nutritional requirements to "support life, growth and reproduction" in both animals and humans were more than simply proteins, carbohydrates, fats and minerals, as commonly believed. And, all scientists working in the field knew that this missing knowledge was key to relieving a host of common afflictions. In 1912 one scientist, Casimir Funk, isolated a substance found in the hulls of rice that cured beriberi, a nutritional disease linked to thiamine (B1) deficiency. From this revelation, he theorized that other diet-related ailments such as pellagra, scurvy and rickets could also be a...

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Breast Cancer: Prevention is the Cure

Publié par Ben White le

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, with a flurry of activity directed towards “Race for the Cure,” pink ribbons on posters and products, and people on street corners with butterfly nets to accept donations to defeat breast cancer. Yet with all this activity over the past 30 years we are no closer to any cure, and breast cancer rates have escalated. According to the National Cancer Institute, incidences of breast cancer in the US have risen during the past thirty years from 1 in 30, to 1 in 8 women life time risk (1). Agencies that track these statistics are concerned that...

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The 5 W's of Menopause

Publié par Ben White le

By Dr Candace Burch, ZRT Laboratory.  WhoThere are approximately 40-50 million menopausal women in the US today with about 3,500 to 5,000 more entering menopause every day. An estimated two million women in menopause have been seeking more natural treatment solutions after a major study (WHI 2002) found greater risks of heart disease, stroke, blood clots and breast cancer among hormone replacement therapy (HRT) users. What Menopause is not a disease but a natural process, resulting from diminishing hormones and the end of ovulation as women age. This is the ovaries’ final act: lacking eggs and female hormones, they can no longer perform their reproductive role. Menopause...

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