Blog — testosterone

Trials of HRT Started in Early Menopause - Research Updates

Publié par Ben White le

One of the primary objectives of the Women's Health Initiative was to see if postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy (HRT) improved long-term risk of coronary heart disease, among other chronic diseases. However, the combined estrogen/progestin (Prempro) arm was halted in 2002, citing that the participants’ risk of cardiovascular disease outweighed any potential benefit of HRT in the prevention of colorectal cancer and bone fracture [1]. The conjugated equine estrogen (CEE)-only arm was also halted in 2004 citing no improvement in heart disease risk but an increased incidence of stroke, and no benefit in terms of fractures, although there was a reduced breast...

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Testosterone: Elixir or Dangerous Drug?

Publié par Ben White le

                    This is according to a recent study published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)  that casts a shadow on the common use of testosterone therapy in older men for boosting their energy and vitality.                      These unexpected negative results fly in the face of decades of good research on testosterone therapy in older men showing it to be beneficial to the cardiovascular system, and improve sexual function, mood, energy level, and muscle and bone mass and strength ....

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Publié par Ben White le

In this article you will find more information about andropause and its effect in men's life. A man entering andropause generally notices is a subtle downward shift in strength and energy as hormone levels taper off. Muscle tone and stamina are the first to go and he starts to gain weight and that "spare tire." He may also develop a voracious appetite and food cravings he never had before. As symptoms kick in at mid-life, hormone testing can identify hidden imbalances that complicate symptoms of andropause and contribute to rapid aging.  The majority of men in the study (2006 HIM Study)...

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