Blog — skin health

The Role of Vitamin D in Health and the Importance of Adequacy in Acute and Chronic Illness

Publié par Ben White le

As we face the current coronavirus pandemic, knowing our baseline level of vitamin D and supplementing appropriately has never been more important. Assuring that we have a healthy and balanced immune response that can effectively reduce viral load and suppress uncontrolled inflammation is crucial for prevention and recovery. Spending time outdoors and exposing our skin to a little bit of sunshine is also good for the body and mind.

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Skin Wellness and Hormones

Publié par Ben White le

            By Margaret Groves, ZRT Laboratory Hormones are involved with processes affecting the maintenance of skin health, such as collagen content, skin lipid levels, elasticity, wound healing, glycoaminoglycan content, and facial hair patterns. A major culprit for the skin thinning, wrinkling, and dryness associated with aging is the decline in hormones such as estrogen and progesterone in women, and testosterone in men.  Therefore, it's no coincidence that the decline in hormone levels as people age parallels the decline in skin properties frequently associated with aging. And, with skin health being such a major concern especially in...

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