Blog — Mineral Imbalances

Mineral Imbalances & ADHD (Part 1: Zinc Deficiency & Copper Excess)-Final Focused

Publié par Ben White le

What if there was a safe, effective, inexpensive, and simple way to help treat one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders of childhood? Health care professionals often overlook nutrients; yet imbalances in many minerals are frequently seen in medical disorders including ADHD. Fortunately, replenishing nutrients with an integrative treatment plan has proven to be an effective treatment for the symptoms of ADHD. In this two-part series, we will evaluate mineral deficiencies in zinc and magnesium, excess copper, and their relationship with neuropsychiatric symptoms. Minerals Essential for Health Minerals are inorganic substances essential for cell metabolism, neurotransmitter synthesis, growth, and development....

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