Blog — menstruation

Understanding and Managing Acne: A Comprehensive Guide Part 4 Treatment

Publié par Behcet Bicakci le

Acne, a common skin condition affecting people worldwide, often requires tailored treatment based on its severity. Various treatment options, from over-the-counter remedies to prescription medications, cater to different forms and stages of acne. Understanding these treatment methods is vital for effective management and clearer skin.  Over-the-Counter Solutions: For Mild Acne: Initial episodes of acne, characterised by a few blackheads, whiteheads, and spots, can often be managed with guidance from pharmacists. Over-the-counter gels or creams containing benzoyl peroxide are recommended for their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Prescription Medications: Moderate to Severe Acne: If acne persists or worsens despite over-the-counter treatments, seeking...

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The Importance of Menstrual Cycle Mapping in Women's Health

Publié par Behcet Bicakci le

  The human body operates like a complex orchestra, with hormones orchestrating various bodily functions. Among the myriad of hormones, those governing a woman's menstrual cycle play a pivotal role in reproduction and overall health. Emerging evidence suggests that imbalances in these reproductive hormones could be the underlying cause of several chronic health issues. Enter menstrual cycle mapping—a month-long assessment that unveils crucial insights into a woman's key reproductive hormones. Unraveling Hormonal Imbalances: A Deeper Look Imbalances in menstrual hormones can manifest as various conditions, such as premenstrual syndrome (PMS), premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), and fertility challenges. These imbalances often...

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Acne: Understanding Symptoms, Problems, and Saliva Hormone Testing as a Potential Solution

Publié par Ben White le

Acne is a common skin condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It can be an emotionally distressing and physically uncomfortable condition, often leaving behind scars and affecting one's self-esteem. While there are various factors that contribute to acne, hormones play a significant role. In recent years, saliva hormone testing has emerged as a potential solution for understanding the hormonal imbalances that contribute to acne. In this blog, we will explore the symptoms and problems associated with acne and delve into how saliva hormone testing can provide valuable insights towards effective treatment.Understanding Acne:Acne is a chronic skin condition that typically...

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