Blog — Menstrual Cycle Mapping

Vitex Agnus-Castus – Botanical Support for Female Hormone Imbalance

Publié par Ben White le

By Dr. Sherry LaBeck, ZRT Laboratory One of the most commonly used herbs in the botanical toolbox is Vitex agnus-castus, also known as chaste tree berry. During the Middle Ages the dried berries were used in monasteries as a peppery condiment that was said to help suppress libido. Additionally, in the mid-1900s, Vitex was often given to women for “sexual irritability,” nervousness and melancholia. Perhaps for these reasons the herb was regarded as a symbol of chastity and has been known by names such as monk’s pepper, Abraham’s balm and chasteberry. Through the years it was often used to support...

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Periods: The Miracle of Bleeding for 7 Days Without Dying.

Publié par Ben White le

By Dr Alison McAllister, ZRT Laboratory ZRT is a company made up mostly of women. It’s not that we don’t have men working here, but 80% of our employees happen to be women. A combination of a company mostly of women, working in the health field, and having gone to medical school which tends to take away that filter that says “perhaps certain topics are off limits,” can lead to hilarious conversations like our one today on the favorite of all lady topics – periods! I am going to give you an inner look at a woman’s conversation about this...

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When to Choose Menstrual Cycle Mapping vs Fertility Testing

Publié par Ben White le

ZRT Laboratory introduced the Fertility Profile to assist women in identifying possible hormonal causes of infertility. More recently ZRT launched the Menstrual Cycle Mapping (MCM) test that allows women to map time points throughout their menstrual cycle, measuring levels of estrogen, progesterone and luteinizing hormone (LH). Since the MCM test was introduced there has been some confusion as to which test is best to evaluate fertility/infertility. The aim of this blog is to clarify the differences between the two tests and when best to use each. Menstrual Cycle Mapping The MCM profile measures estrone-3-glucuronide (E1G), pregnanediol-3-glucuronide (PDG) and luteinizing hormone...

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