Blog — Hormone Replacement Therapy Dosing

Harmony Within: Navigating the Complex Symphony of Hormone Balance for Optimal Health

Publié par Behcet Bicakci le

HORMONE BALANCE: The Key to Health The human body is a marvel of interconnected systems, and one crucial player in this symphony of functions is the endocrine system. A collection of glands dispersed throughout the body, the endocrine system works collectively to produce and regulate hormones. These chemical messengers play a vital role in maintaining balance and ensuring the proper functioning of various bodily processes. The Endocrine SymphonyHormones, produced by glands within the endocrine system, are released into the bloodstream, traveling throughout the body to reach specific target tissues. These chemicals act as switches, turning on or off specific functions...

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Navigating the Challenges of Hormone Replacement Therapy Dosing

Publié par Ben White le

Over 25 million women a year worldwide will enter menopause and make a decision about hormone replacement therapy. For healthcare practitioners, what dosage and what formulation these hormones take is open to debate. After many years of teaching and talking to practitioners, I’ve learned that: there are many strategies for approaching dosages, everyone thinks that theirs is the best, most of them work well for many patients but not all, and that we really, really need more research. There is very little to no research on different dosing strategies. Standard bioidentical hormones have research behind them, but they are looking at serum testing and...

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