Blog — Essential Elements

Unveiling Health Insights: A Comprehensive Overview of Standard and Specialty Testing Kits

Publié par Behcet Bicakci le

Introduction:In the realm of personalised health and wellness, diagnostic testing has become an indispensable tool for understanding the intricacies of our bodies. From neurotransmitters to hormonal balance, weight management, sleep patterns, heavy metal exposure, and beyond, testing kits have evolved to provide a detailed snapshot of our overall health. In this blog post, we delve into the specifics of standard kits focusing on saliva and speciality kits targeting neurotransmitters, weight management, sleep balance, heavy metals, urine metabolites, menstrual cycle mapping, and adrenal stress. Neurotransmitters Profile:Understanding the intricate balance of neurotransmitters in the body is crucial for mental and emotional well-being....

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Why Test Heavy Metals and Elements?

Publié par Behcet Bicakci le

Elements Testing: Safeguarding Health Through Comprehensive Analysis In our modern world, the omnipresence of environmental pollutants significantly threatens our well-being. These pollutants lurk in the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we consume, and even in the materials we come into contact with daily. Their insidious presence significantly elevates the risk of various health conditions, ranging from dementia and infertility to diabetes and cancer. Moreover, these pollutants don't just stop there; they can adversely affect vital organs such as the liver, kidneys, and brain and disrupt the proper functioning of critical bodily systems like the cardiovascular, nervous,...

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Where Does Dietary Iodine Come From?

Publié par Ben White le

By Dr.Ted Zava of ZRT Laboratory. Have you ever wondered where dietary iodine comes from? Most people are familiar with iodized salt and shellfish containing high levels of iodine, but few realize a vast assortment of food and drinks contain this essential nutrient.  What Food Products Contain the Highest Levels of Iodine? It may come as a surprise that most dietary iodine comes from dairy products such as milk, cheese and yogurt. Iodine is used to prevent bacteria growth in cattle feed and it can also be used as a sanitizer when milking cows. Because cows typically graze in fields...

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