Hormone Harmony - Estrone, Estradiol, Estriol, Progesterone & Cortisol

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The Hormone Harmony saliva hormone test is designed to assess five main hormones in both men and women. The test measures the levels of the following hormones:

  • Estrone Hormone (E1): This hormone is one of the three primary forms of estrogen. It is produced primarily in the ovaries, as well as in smaller amounts by the adrenal glands and fat tissues. Estrone plays a role in regulating the menstrual cycle and is involved in various aspects of reproductive health.
  • Estradiol Hormone (E2): Estradiol is the most potent form of estrogen and is primarily produced in the ovaries. It is responsible for the development and maintenance of female reproductive organs and secondary sexual characteristics. Estradiol levels fluctuate throughout the menstrual cycle and are also important for bone health, cardiovascular health, and cognitive function.
  • Estriol Hormone (E3): Estriol is the weakest form of estrogen and is produced primarily during pregnancy by the placenta. It plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of the uterus and supporting fetal development.
  • Progesterone Hormone (Pg): Progesterone is a hormone that plays a vital role in the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. It is mainly produced by the ovaries after ovulation and helps prepare the uterus for implantation and support early pregnancy. Progesterone levels rise during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle and decline if pregnancy does not occur.
  • Cortisol Hormone (C): Cortisol is a stress hormone produced by the adrenal glands. It is involved in the body's response to stress, helps regulate blood sugar levels, supports the immune system, and plays a role in metabolism. Cortisol levels naturally fluctuate throughout the day, with higher levels in the morning and lower levels in the evening.

Key Features

  • Convenient and non-invasive: The test allows you to collect saliva samples from the comfort of your home, eliminating the need for a visit to a healthcare facility or clinic.
  • Comprehensive hormone assessment: The test measures the levels of five key hormones - Estrone, Estradiol, Estriol, Progesterone, and Cortisol. This provides a comprehensive evaluation of hormone balance and potential imbalances.
  • Suitable for adults and children: The test is suitable for both adults and children, allowing individuals of all ages to assess their hormone levels and gain insights into their health.
  • Detailed test result: After the laboratory receives your samples, you can expect to receive your test results within 3-5 working days. The results will include a graphical and numerical representation of your hormone levels, making it easy to understand and interpret.
  • Expert analysis and recommendations: The test result will also include comments by a Hormone Specialist PhD Dr. These comments will provide analysis of your hormone levels and guide you on the appropriate steps to take based on the results. This personalized guidance can help you optimize your hormone balance and overall well-being.
  • Simple test kit: The test kit includes everything you need to collect your saliva samples, including clear instructions. It also covers the laboratory fee, eliminating the need for additional costs or taxes.
  • Flexible usage timeframe: The test kit must be used within 12 months after the purchase date, allowing you to take the test at your convenience.
  • Customer responsibility for shipping: Customers are responsible for shipping their samples to the laboratory. This allows for flexibility in choosing a shipping method and ensures that the samples reach the laboratory in a timely manner.
  • How and When to Collect your saliva samples: Saliva Testing Instructions
  • Click to see >> Sample Saliva Test Result Report


Male Estrogen Dominance / Progesterone deficiency symptoms

Male estrogen dominance or progesterone deficiency can lead to a range of symptoms. While these symptoms can be associated with hormonal imbalances, it's important to note that they can also be caused by other factors. It's always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis. Here are some potential symptoms that may be associated with male estrogen dominance or progesterone deficiency: 

  • Cold body temperature: Some individuals with hormonal imbalances may experience a lower body temperature, feeling cold more easily.
  • Irritability: Mood changes, including irritability and mood swings, can be associated with hormonal imbalances. Estrogen and progesterone play a role in regulating mood and emotional well-being.
  • Low libido: Hormonal imbalances can contribute to changes in sexual desire and libido. In some cases, estrogen dominance or progesterone deficiency may lead to a decrease in libido.
  • Prostate problems: Estrogen dominance in males can potentially affect the prostate gland. It may contribute to symptoms such as an enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia) or prostate-related issues.
  • Changes in urinary flow: Hormonal imbalances can impact urinary function. Both increased and decreased urine flow can potentially be associated with estrogen dominance or progesterone deficiency, but it's important to consider other factors that can affect urinary health.
  • Breast or hip weight gain: Estrogen dominance in males can lead to changes in body composition. Some individuals may experience increased fat deposition in the breast or hip area.

Male low Cortisol deficiency symptoms

Low cortisol levels, also known as cortisol deficiency or adrenal insufficiency, can lead to various symptoms. It's important to note that these symptoms can be caused by other factors as well, and a healthcare professional should be consulted for a proper diagnosis. Here are some potential symptoms that may be associated with low cortisol levels in males:

  • Low blood sugar: Cortisol plays a role in regulating blood sugar levels. Insufficient cortisol production can lead to low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), which may cause symptoms such as weakness, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating.
  • Low blood pressure: Cortisol helps maintain blood pressure levels. Low cortisol levels can contribute to low blood pressure (hypotension), which may lead to dizziness, lightheadedness, and fainting.
  • Chemical sensitivity: Some individuals with low cortisol levels may experience increased sensitivity to certain chemicals or environmental triggers. This sensitivity can manifest as allergic or hypersensitivity reactions.
  • Depression: Cortisol affects mood regulation, and low cortisol levels can contribute to symptoms of depression. These may include persistent sadness, loss of interest in activities, changes in appetite, and sleep disturbances.
  • Dizzy spells: Dizziness and lightheadedness can be associated with low cortisol levels and low blood pressure. These symptoms may be more noticeable upon standing up or changing positions.
  • Fatigue: Chronic fatigue and low energy levels are common symptoms of low cortisol levels. Individuals may experience persistent tiredness, even after sufficient rest or sleep.
  • Infertility: Hormonal imbalances, including low cortisol levels, can potentially affect fertility in males. It's important to note that infertility can have various causes, and a comprehensive evaluation is needed to determine the underlying factors.
  • Stress: Cortisol is often referred to as the "stress hormone" because it is involved in the body's response to stress. Low cortisol levels can impact the body's ability to respond to stressors effectively, potentially leading to difficulty managing stress.
  • Joint pain: Some individuals with low cortisol levels may experience joint pain and inflammation. However, joint pain can have multiple causes, and it is essential to consider other factors that may contribute to these symptoms.

Male high Cortisol deficiency symptoms

High cortisol levels can have various effects on the body. Here are some potential symptoms that may be associated with high cortisol levels in males:

  • Anxiety: High cortisol levels can contribute to increased feelings of anxiety and nervousness. Individuals may experience excessive worry, restlessness, and a heightened sense of fear.
  • High blood sugar: Cortisol is involved in regulating blood sugar levels. Elevated cortisol levels can lead to increased glucose production by the liver, resulting in higher blood sugar levels.
  • Depression: While low cortisol levels can contribute to symptoms of depression, prolonged exposure to high cortisol levels may also affect mood and contribute to depressive symptoms. These can include persistent sadness, loss of interest, and changes in appetite or sleep patterns.
  • Rapid aging: Chronic elevation of cortisol levels can accelerate the aging process. It may lead to the breakdown of collagen and elastin, resulting in the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and thinning of the skin.
  • Sugar cravings: High cortisol levels can trigger cravings for sugary and high-carbohydrate foods. This is because cortisol influences appetite and can lead to increased hunger, particularly for foods that provide quick energy.
  • Skin thinning: Excessive cortisol levels can lead to the thinning of the skin and decreased collagen production. This can make the skin more fragile and prone to bruising.
  • Stress: High cortisol levels are often associated with chronic stress. Stressful situations or prolonged exposure to stressors can result in elevated cortisol levels, which may have detrimental effects on various aspects of health.
  • Waist weight gain: Cortisol can influence fat distribution in the body. High cortisol levels are associated with increased fat deposition around the waist and abdomen, commonly known as visceral or abdominal fat.
  • Sleeping difficulty: Elevated cortisol levels can disrupt sleep patterns. Individuals may experience difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or experiencing restful sleep.

Female Estrogen/Progesterone deficiency symptoms

  • Cold body temperature: Hormonal imbalances, including estrogen and progesterone deficiency, can affect body temperature regulation. Some individuals may experience a lower body temperature and feel cold more easily.
  • Irritability: Hormonal fluctuations can impact mood and emotional well-being. Estrogen and progesterone play a role in regulating mood, and their deficiency can contribute to feelings of irritability, mood swings, and heightened emotional sensitivity.
  • Rapid heartbeat: Estrogen helps maintain cardiovascular health, and its deficiency can sometimes lead to a rapid or irregular heartbeat. It's important to rule out other underlying causes for this symptom as well.
  • Skin thinning: Estrogen helps maintain skin health and thickness. Its deficiency can result in the thinning of the skin, making it more susceptible to dryness, fine lines, and wrinkles.
  • Memory lapse: Hormonal imbalances can potentially affect cognitive function, including memory and concentration. Some women may experience memory lapses, difficulty focusing, or "brain fog" due to estrogen and progesterone deficiency.
  • Decreased urine flow: Hormonal imbalances can impact urinary function. While decreased urine flow can be associated with estrogen and progesterone deficiency, it's important to consider other factors that can affect urinary health and consult with a healthcare professional for a comprehensive evaluation.
  • Breast or hip weight gain: Estrogen and progesterone help regulate fat distribution in the body. Their deficiency can sometimes contribute to weight gain, particularly in the breast and hip areas.
  • Aches & pains: Hormonal imbalances can be associated with muscle and joint discomfort. Some individuals may experience generalized aches and pains, which can be attributed to estrogen and progesterone deficiency.
  • Vaginal dryness: Estrogen is essential for maintaining vaginal health and lubrication. Its deficiency can lead to vaginal dryness, discomfort during intercourse, and increased susceptibility to vaginal infections.
  • Sleep disturbance: Hormonal imbalances can disrupt sleep patterns. Some women may experience difficulties falling asleep, staying asleep, or experiencing restful sleep due to estrogen and progesterone deficiency.

Female Estrogen Dominance/Progesterone deficiency symptoms

  • Cold body temperature: Hormonal imbalances, such as estrogen dominance and progesterone deficiency, can affect body temperature regulation. Some individuals may experience a lower body temperature and feel cold more easily.
  • Irritability: Estrogen dominance and progesterone deficiency can contribute to mood changes and irritability. Fluctuations in these hormones can affect neurotransmitters and lead to emotional sensitivity.
  • Bleeding changes: Estrogen dominance and progesterone deficiency can disrupt the normal menstrual cycle. Women may experience irregular periods, heavy or prolonged bleeding, or changes in the timing of their menstrual cycle.
  • Depression: Hormonal imbalances can impact mood regulation. Estrogen dominance and progesterone deficiency may contribute to symptoms of depression, including persistent sadness, loss of interest, and changes in appetite or sleep patterns.
  • Increase urinary flow: Estrogen dominance can sometimes lead to an increase in urinary flow or frequency. However, it's important to consider other factors that can affect urinary health and consult with a healthcare professional for a comprehensive evaluation.
  • Decreased urine flow: Progesterone deficiency can potentially impact urinary function, resulting in decreased urine flow. It's important to assess other potential causes for urinary symptoms as well.
  • Breast or hip weight gain: Estrogen dominance can affect fat distribution in the body, leading to increased weight gain, particularly in the breast and hip areas.
  • Water retention: Estrogen dominance can contribute to fluid retention, causing bloating and swelling in various parts of the body.
  • Headaches: Hormonal imbalances, including estrogen dominance and progesterone deficiency, can trigger headaches or migraines in some women.
  • Breast cancer: Estrogen dominance has been linked to an increased risk of developing breast cancer. It's important to note that many factors contribute to breast cancer risk, and regular screenings and consultations with healthcare professionals are essential for early detection and prevention.
  • Anxiety: Estrogen dominance and progesterone deficiency can contribute to feelings of anxiety and nervousness. Hormonal fluctuations can affect neurotransmitters involved in mood regulation.
  • Tender breasts: Estrogen dominance can cause breast tenderness and sensitivity. This can manifest as discomfort, swelling, or pain in the breasts.

Female low Cortisol deficiency symptoms

  • Aches & pains: Cortisol has anti-inflammatory properties, and low cortisol levels can lead to increased inflammation and generalized body aches and pains.
  • Allergies: Cortisol plays a role in regulating the immune system. Insufficient cortisol production can weaken the immune response, making individuals more susceptible to allergies and allergic reactions.
  • Low blood sugar: Cortisol helps regulate blood sugar levels. Low cortisol levels can lead to low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), which may cause symptoms such as weakness, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating.
  • Cold body temperature: Cortisol helps regulate body temperature. Low cortisol levels can contribute to a lower body temperature, feeling cold more easily.
  • Morning/evening fatigue: Cortisol follows a diurnal rhythm, with higher levels in the morning and lower levels in the evening. Inadequate cortisol production can lead to fatigue, especially in the morning or evening when cortisol levels are expected to be higher.
  • Slow pulse rate: Cortisol affects cardiovascular function. In some cases, low cortisol levels can result in a slow pulse rate, known as bradycardia.
  • Breast or hip weight gain: Cortisol imbalances can influence fat distribution in the body. Low cortisol levels may contribute to weight gain, particularly in the breast and hip areas.
  • Decreased stamina: Cortisol is involved in providing energy and maintaining stamina. Low cortisol levels can lead to decreased endurance and a general feeling of reduced stamina.

Female High Cortisol deficiency symptoms

  • Anxiety: Elevated cortisol levels can contribute to increased feelings of anxiety and nervousness. Individuals may experience excessive worry, restlessness, and a heightened sense of fear.
  • High blood sugar: Cortisol is involved in regulating blood sugar levels. Increased cortisol levels can lead to higher glucose production by the liver, resulting in elevated blood sugar levels.
  • Bone loss: Prolonged exposure to high cortisol levels can contribute to bone loss and decreased bone density. This can increase the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.
  • High blood pressure: Cortisol can affect blood pressure regulation. Chronic high cortisol levels can lead to increased blood pressure, known as hypertension.
  • Breast cancer: While cortisol itself is not directly linked to breast cancer, prolonged exposure to chronic stress, which can elevate cortisol levels, has been associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.
  • Skin thinning: Chronic elevation of cortisol levels can lead to the thinning of the skin and decreased collagen production. This can make the skin more fragile and prone to bruising.
  • Stress: High cortisol levels are often associated with chronic stress. Stressful situations or prolonged exposure to stressors can result in elevated cortisol levels, which may have detrimental effects on various aspects of health.
  • Waist weight gain: Cortisol can influence fat distribution in the body. High cortisol levels are associated with increased fat deposition around the waist and abdomen, commonly known as visceral or abdominal fat.

If any symptoms mentioned above persist, you might consider using our comprehensive 5-panel hormone test. This test has clear instructions on how to use it safely and comfortably. In addition, saliva testing produces a non-invasive use as it does not require the use of any needle or instruments that other testing kits may provide.

Hormone Tested:

The Hormone Harmony saliva hormone test provides valuable information about the levels of cortisol, estrogen, and progesterone in the body. Here's why understanding these hormone levels can be beneficial:


Cortisol is an indicator of adrenal function and exposure to stressors. It follows a diurnal variation, with the highest levels in the morning and lower levels in the evening. Normal cortisol production is essential for a healthy stress response. Low cortisol levels can indicate adrenal fatigue, which may lead to issues such as poor blood sugar regulation and immune system dysfunction. Conversely, chronically high cortisol levels, resulting from constant exposure to stressors, can have negative implications for long-term health, including an increased risk of cancer, osteoporosis, and potentially Alzheimer's disease.


Estrogen is a vital hormone for sexual and reproductive function. It acts as an antioxidant and neuroprotective agent, and it is closely associated with bone growth. However, imbalances in estrogen levels can have negative consequences. High levels of estrogen are suspected to play a significant role in breast and uterine endometrial lining cancer. By monitoring estrogen levels, you can identify and address potential issues such as menstrual cycle disorders and severe menopausal symptoms.


Progesterone is a steroid hormone involved in regulating the menstrual cycle and plays a crucial role during pregnancy. Imbalances in progesterone can occur due to menopause, certain illnesses, hormonal contraceptives, and other factors. Monitoring progesterone levels can help identify hormonal imbalances and guide appropriate interventions, ensuring optimal menstrual cycle regulation and management of menopausal symptoms.

By understanding your hormone levels through the Hormone Harmony test, you can gain insights into potential imbalances and take appropriate steps to address them, potentially improving your overall well-being and reproductive health.


How to use:

how to collect saliva sample