Blog — testosterone

Understanding and Managing Acne: A Comprehensive Guide Part 3 Diagnosis

Posted by Behcet Bicakci on

Diagnosing acne goes beyond a mere visual examination, determining its severity and potential underlying causes. This comprehensive evaluation by a medical professional helps tailor appropriate treatments to alleviate symptoms effectively.  Diagnostic Process: A General Practitioner (GP) conducts a thorough examination, observing the affected areas like the face, chest, or back to identify distinctive acne symptoms. The presence of blackheads, red nodules, or sore spots assists in categorizing acne severity. Assessing Acne Severity: The severity of acne typically falls into three categories, guiding the course of treatment: Mild Acne: Predominantly characterized by whiteheads and blackheads, occasionally accompanied by a few papules...

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Understanding and Managing Acne: A Comprehensive Guide Part 2 Causes

Posted by Behcet Bicakci on

Acne, a pervasive skin condition, arises when hair follicles—tiny skin holes—become obstructed. Understanding the intricate mechanisms behind this condition unveils the complex interplay of hormones, genetics, and lifestyle factors.  The Role of Sebaceous Glands: Sebaceous glands near the skin surface produce sebum, an oily substance that moisturises hair and skin. However, these glands begin overproducing sebum in acne, combining it with dead skin cells to create a plug within the follicle. This plug's emergence on the skin's surface leads to either a whitehead or blackhead. Bacterial Infection and Inflammation: When plugged, follicles encounter bacteria that usually reside harmlessly on the...

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The Connection Between Men's Heart Health and Testosterone

Posted by Behcet Bicakci on

Author: Dr. Alison McAllister Men's Heart Health and Testosterone: Separating Fact from Fiction In recent times, the media has been abuzz with discussions on men's heart health and the role of testosterone therapy. Reports have raised concerns about potential links between testosterone treatment and heart attacks, prompting physicians to reevaluate the use of testosterone supplementation in men. To gain a better understanding of this complex issue, it's essential to delve deeper into the scientific study that has triggered these debates (referenced at the end of this post) (1).The study in question examined 55,593 men who initiated testosterone therapy. Among these...

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Acne: Understanding Symptoms, Problems, and Saliva Hormone Testing as a Potential Solution

Posted by Ben White on

Acne is a common skin condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It can be an emotionally distressing and physically uncomfortable condition, often leaving behind scars and affecting one's self-esteem. While there are various factors that contribute to acne, hormones play a significant role. In recent years, saliva hormone testing has emerged as a potential solution for understanding the hormonal imbalances that contribute to acne. In this blog, we will explore the symptoms and problems associated with acne and delve into how saliva hormone testing can provide valuable insights towards effective treatment.Understanding Acne:Acne is a chronic skin condition that typically...

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Male Menopause (Andropause) and Treatment

Posted by Ben White on

As men age, they may experience a decline in testosterone levels which can lead to a range of symptoms commonly referred to as male menopause or andropause. This condition is not as well-known as female menopause, but it can have a significant impact on a man's quality of life. Fortunately, there are treatments available, including hormone testing, to help alleviate the symptoms associated with male menopause. What is Male Menopause? Male menopause is a condition caused by a decline in testosterone levels as a man ages. Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone and is responsible for many of the...

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