Blog — multi-element analysis

Why Test Heavy Metals and Elements?

Posted by Behcet Bicakci on

Elements Testing: Safeguarding Health Through Comprehensive Analysis In our modern world, the omnipresence of environmental pollutants significantly threatens our well-being. These pollutants lurk in the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we consume, and even in the materials we come into contact with daily. Their insidious presence significantly elevates the risk of various health conditions, ranging from dementia and infertility to diabetes and cancer. Moreover, these pollutants don't just stop there; they can adversely affect vital organs such as the liver, kidneys, and brain and disrupt the proper functioning of critical bodily systems like the cardiovascular, nervous,...

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An Essential Element? Bromine

Posted by Ben White on

Bromine should be recognised as the 28th essential element for all species, from fruit flies to humans, in according to researchers at Vanderbilt University. Study results were published 2014 in Cell, and demonstrate that without bromine, collagen type IV molecules will not bond together properly to form the structural proteins of connective tissues, leading to disrupted tissue development.   This figure demonstrates bromines role as a co-factor in formation of collagen IV crosslinks:  Image Source: McCall S, Cummings C, Bhave G, Vanacore R, Page-MCaw A, Hudson B. Bromine is an essential trace element for assembly of collagen IV scaffolds in...

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