The Science Behind Hormone Testing

Posted by Behcet Bicakci on

Science behind hormone testing 

Hormones play a pivotal role in the intricate dance of human biology, orchestrating various physiological processes that influence our health and well-being. Understanding the science behind hormone testing is crucial for unravelling the mysteries within our bodies. With 25 years of expertise, ZRT Laboratory stands as a beacon in this field, offering innovative and meaningful hormone and wellness testing. Let’s delve into the complexities of hormone testing and explore the various matrices that reveal the secrets of our hormonal balance.

The Symphony of Hormones:

Endocrine glands, such as the ovaries, testes, thyroid, pituitary, and pancreas, produce hormones that regulate bodily functions. These hormones are released into the bloodstream, binding to carrier proteins and slowly diffusing into tissues throughout the body. Monitoring these hormones provides valuable insights into our health.

Testing Matrices: Blood, Saliva, and Urine:

Traditionally, blood collected through venipuncture has been the go-to matrix for hormone testing. It allows the measurement of total circulating hormones, including those bound to carrier proteins. However, determining the bioavailable fraction of target cells requires a separate calculation. Moreover, diurnal patterns of hormone production are challenging to measure conveniently in blood.

Saliva emerges as a convenient alternative for measuring steroid hormones. Its non-invasive collection method and representation of the bioavailable fraction make it valuable. However, its lower concentration challenges detection methods, demanding greater sensitivity. Unfortunately, saliva cannot be used to test peptide hormones.

Urine, with its high concentration of steroid metabolites, offers a simple method for measuring total hormone production. Dried urine, collected at specific time points, allows the evaluation of diurnal hormone patterns. Despite its advantages, urine testing only reflects metabolites scheduled for disposal, making it impossible to determine the active hormone present in circulation.

ZRT Laboratory’s Innovation:

ZRT Laboratory has pioneered convenient, at-home collection methods for blood, saliva, and urine. This innovation provides maximum flexibility and optimal results for healthcare providers and individuals seeking to understand their hormonal balance.


A Note from the Founder – David Zava:

David Zava, the founder of ZRT Laboratory, emphasizes the importance of testing hormones to understand their delicate balance. Hormones are fundamental in treating the whole body, with evidence linking hormonal imbalances to chronic health issues. ZRT Laboratory’s experience, backed by millions of tests and peer-reviewed studies, positions it as a leader in the field. The laboratory’s tests are utilized by healthcare providers globally, including prestigious institutions like the CDC, NIH, and renowned universities.


Hormones serve as the silent conductors of our bodily functions in the realm of health and wellness. With ZRT Laboratory at the forefront, the science behind hormone testing allows us to decipher the intricate patterns within. Partnering with a lab that comprehends the nuances of testing methods is vital for accurate results. As we unravel the mysteries of hormonal balance, we empower ourselves to address the root causes of chronic health issues, paving the way for a healthier and more balanced life.

ZRT Laboratory Est. 1998 - Beaverton, OR 

ZRT Laboratory is a CLIA-certified commercial and research laboratory founded by breast cancer researcher David Zava, PhD. ZRT Laboratory has pioneered innovative testing methods for hormones, neurotransmitters, heavy metals and more, offering healthcare providers convenient testing options in different body fluids, including saliva, dried blood spots, dried urine, and serum. Since it began, ZRT has maintained a singular focus: providing comprehensive and meaningful test results that assist healthcare providers and their patients make informed treatment decisions. 



Breast cancer researcher and biochemist David Zava, PhD, founded ZRT in 1998. His desire to innovate the science of hormone testing provides the guiding force behind the development of all ZRT’s technology. 


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