Elite Athlete Metrics Profile

Precio habitual £394.00

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The Elite Athlete Metrics Profile is a comprehensive hormonal and vitamin assessment designed for both men and women. It focuses on testing 14 essential hormones and Vitamin D levels to identify potential hormonal imbalances that may be causing symptoms. This profile provides valuable insights into hormone levels that are crucial for optimal athletic performance, overall well-being, and general health.

The profile includes the measurement of the following hormones:

  • Estradiol (E2): This hormone is primarily associated with female reproductive health but is also present in men. It helps regulate menstrual cycles, bone density, and cardiovascular health.
  • Testosterone (T): Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone, but it also plays a role in female health. It affects muscle mass, bone density, libido, and energy levels.
  • DHEA-S (DS): Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands. It helps in the production of other hormones such as estrogen and testosterone and is associated with overall well-being.
  • Progesterone (Pg): Progesterone is a hormone involved in the menstrual cycle and plays a crucial role in pregnancy and fertility.
  • Cortisol (Morning, Noon, Evening, Night): Cortisol is a stress hormone that regulates metabolism, immune response, and energy levels. Measuring cortisol levels throughout the day provides insights into the body's stress response.

In addition to the hormone panel, the Elite Athlete Metrics Profile also includes testing for the following thyroid-related hormones:

  • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH): TSH stimulates the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones and helps regulate metabolism and energy levels.
  • Free Triiodothyronine (fT3): T3 is an active thyroid hormone that affects metabolism, body temperature, and overall energy levels.
  • Free Thyroxine (fT4): T4 is a precursor to T3 and is converted into the active form. It also plays a role in regulating metabolism.
  • Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody (TPOab): This antibody test helps in identifying autoimmune thyroid conditions such as Hashimoto's thyroiditis.

Furthermore, the Elite Athlete Metrics Profile includes testing for Vitamin D levels:

  • Vitamin D (D2 & D3): Vitamin D is essential for bone health, immune function, and overall well-being. Testing both D2 and D3 forms provides a comprehensive assessment of vitamin D status.
Key Features

The Elite Athlete Metrics Profile is designed to comprehensively test 14 essential hormones and Vitamin D levels in both men and women. It aims to identify any potential hormonal imbalances that could be contributing to symptoms experienced by athletes. The key features of this profile include:

  • Comprehensive Testing: The profile covers a wide range of hormones and Vitamin D levels to provide a thorough assessment of an athlete's hormonal status.
  • Hormonal Balance Evaluation: The test helps determine whether there are any imbalances in hormone levels that may be impacting an athlete's performance, recovery, or overall well-being.
  • Individualized Assessment: The results are interpreted based on the unique needs and characteristics of athletes, taking into account factors such as age, sex, and training intensity.
  • Symptom Identification: The profile helps identify any specific symptoms that may be associated with hormonal imbalances, allowing for targeted intervention and treatment.
  • Precise Hormone Analysis: The test measures hormone levels with high precision, ensuring accurate and reliable results.
  • Vitamin D Assessment: In addition to hormone evaluation, the profile includes testing for Vitamin D levels. Adequate Vitamin D levels are essential for overall health and optimal athletic performance.
  • Men and Women: The profile is designed to cater to both men and women, recognizing that hormonal imbalances can affect athletes of all genders.
  • Holistic Approach: The profile considers the interplay between multiple hormones and their impact on an athlete's physiology, performance, and recovery.
  • Professional Guidance: The results are typically analyzed by medical professionals or specialists who can provide expert advice and recommendations based on the findings.
  • Tailored Treatment Plans: If any hormonal imbalances are detected, the profile can assist in developing personalized treatment plans to address specific deficiencies or excesses.
  • Performance Optimization: By identifying and addressing hormonal imbalances, the profile aims to optimize an athlete's overall performance potential.
  • Long-Term Health: The profile not only focuses on immediate performance concerns but also aims to promote long-term health and well-being by identifying and managing hormonal imbalances.
  • Evidence-Based Approach: The testing protocol is based on scientific research and established guidelines, ensuring a reliable and evidence-based assessment.
  • Confidentiality and Privacy: The profile is conducted with utmost confidentiality and privacy, respecting the athlete's personal information and data.
  • Collecting samples quickly in the comfort of your home or office
  • Test is suitable for both adult and children
  • Free Delivery in the UK 
  • Customers are responsible for shipping their samples to the laboratory.
  • The test kit includes the laboratory fee — no additional cost.
  • Elite Athlete Metrics Profile Test Result: You will receive your test result via email within 3-5 working days after Laboratory receives your sample. On your test result, you will see your hormone levels in graphics and numbers. You will also see Laboratory's comments on how to balance your hormones. 
  • Click to see>> Sample Test Result Report
  • Click to see >> Elite Athlete Sample Collection Instruction
Elite Athlete Metrics  Profile Pack Includes: 
  • Test Requisition Form includes Symptom Checklist
  • Requisition Form to complete, including your personal and medical history
  • Contains collection instructions
  • Vial(s) for collecting saliva and lancet (finger pricks) with blood (dry blood spot) Card
  • Instructions on how to use Collection Kit
  • Return Envelope
  • Shipping instructions

    The Elite Athlete Metrics Profile 

    Hormones play an important role in athletic performance. The Elite Athlete Metrics Profile allows the identification of hormone imbalances or vitamin D deficiency that can affect performance, increase injury risk, or prevent an athlete from competing at their highest level. It is best to start with a baseline before rigorous training begins and to track hormones throughout a training regimen to look for big changes that can indicate problems and to make sure that hormones are optimally balanced right before a competition.

    The sex hormones and cortisol are tested in saliva, allowing a diurnal assessment of cortisol production at 4-time points during the day. A full thyroid assessment in the blood spot is included, and vitamin D.

    Who benefits from Elite Athlete Profile Testing?

    Individuals who:

    • Train for competitions
    • Compete at a high level
    • Feel like they are “hitting a wall”
    • Suffer from nagging or persistent injuries
    • Are interested in seeing how their workouts affect their hormones

    Why Elite Athlete Metrics Profile?

    When patients have hormone-related symptoms, it is usually not a clear-cut case of one hormone level being abnormal or even one hormone system. Hormones play a role as chemical messengers to wake up the genome in specific target tissues throughout the body. It makes sense that all hormone systems work in concert with each other to maintain a state of balance. This could be likened to the instruments in an orchestra. Playing together in harmony; when one instrument is off-key or playing too loudly or softly (analogous to too much or too little hormone), the overall harmony is affected. In a similar manner, the adrenal, thyroid, and sex hormones work in harmony, and when one or more of the hormones in any one system becomes unbalanced, this affects the harmony or balance of the whole system. 


    Estradiol and progesterone
    An excess of estradiol, relative to progesterone, can explain many symptoms in reproductive-age women, including endometrial hyperplasia, pre-menstrual syndrome, fibrocystic breasts, and uterine fibroids. Deficiency in progesterone can also result in estrogen dominance symptoms, including weight gain in the hips and thighs, fibrocystic and tender breasts, uterine fibroids, irritability, water retention, and thyroid problems. These symptoms are also seen in some women approaching menopause, whose estrogen levels swing wildly from high to low without the balancing effects of progesterone. If estrogen dominance is not corrected, it can lead to cancers of the uterus and breasts and insulin resistance. With the onset of menopause, when ovarian estrogen and progesterone production declines, a new subset of symptoms can result from low estradiol levels, including hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, sleep disturbances, foggy thinking, more rapid skin ageing, and bone loss. Maintaining appropriate levels of estradiol, adequately balanced with progesterone, at any age is essential for optimal health.

    Testosterone levels can also be either too high or too low. Testosterone in excess, often caused by ovarian cysts, leads to conditions such as excessive facial and body hair, acne, and oily skin and hair. Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is thought to be caused, in part, by insulin resistance. On the other hand, too little testosterone is often caused by excessive stress, medications, contraceptives, and surgical removal of the ovaries. This leads to symptoms of androgen deficiency, including loss of libido, thinning skin, vaginal dryness, loss of bone and muscle mass, depression, and memory lapses.

    Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG)
    SHBG is a protein produced by the liver in response to exposure to any type of estrogen, whether produced naturally by the body or consumed as a synthetic oral contraceptive estrogen, estrogen therapy, or as foods or herbs (phytoestrogens). Released from the liver into the bloodstream, SHBG binds tightly to circulating estradiol and testosterone, preventing their rapid metabolism and clearance and limiting their bioavailability to tissues. SHBG gives a good index of the extent of the body’s overall exposure to estrogens. The SHBG level is also used to calculate free (unbound) testosterone levels when blood spot is used instead of saliva to measure sex hormones.

    Dehydroepiandrosterone DHEA-S (DS)
    DHEA is mostly found in the circulation in its conjugated form, DHEA sulfate (DHEA-S), is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands, and levels generally reflect adrenal gland function. It is a precursor for the production of estrogens and testosterone and is, therefore, normally present in greater quantities than all the other steroid hormones. Its production is highest in the late teens to the early 20s and declines gradually with age. Like cortisol, it is involved with immune function, and a balance between the two is essential. Low DHEA can result in reduced libido and general malaise, while high DHEA can have masculinising effects on women because it metabolises androgens, including testosterone. Because of its conversion to estrogens and androgens, it is essential to monitor levels of these hormones, as well as levels of DHEA, during supplementation.

    Cortisol is an indicator of adrenal function and exposure to stressors. Under normal circumstances, adrenal cortisol production shows a diurnal variation and is highest early in the morning, soon after waking, falling to lower levels in the evening. Average cortisol production shows a strong ability to respond to stress. Low cortisol levels can indicate adrenal fatigue (a reduced ability to respond to stressors) and can leave the body more vulnerable to reduced blood sugar regulation and immune system dysfunction. Chronically high cortisol is a consequence of high, constant exposure to stressors, and this has serious implications for long-term health, including an increased risk of cancer, osteoporosis, and possibly Alzheimer’s disease.

    Free T4, free T3, TSH, and TPO
    These tests can indicate the presence of an imbalance in thyroid function, which can cause a wide variety of symptoms, including feeling cold all the time, low stamina, fatigue (particularly in the evening), depression, low sex drive, weight gain, and high cholesterol. Thyroid deficiency can also be a cause of infertility, which is why these tests are included in the Female Fertility Profiles.

    Vitamin D (D2, D3)Vitamin D deficiency is common in obesity and is particularly associated with hyperinsulinemia and visceral fat. Whether by cause or effect, identifying and correcting vitamin D2 and D3 deficiency may improve insulin sensitivity.

    Most people are familiar with vitamin D’s role in preventing rickets in children and in helping the body absorb calcium from the diet.

    Recently, research has shown that vitamin D is important in protecting the body from a wide range of diseases. Disorders linked with vitamin D deficiency include:

    • Stroke,
    • Flu,
    • Cardiovascular disease,
    • Osteoporosis,
    • Osteomalacia,
    • Several forms of cancer, 
    • Some autoimmune diseases, such as multiple Sclerosis, 
    • Rheumatoid Arthritis, 
    • Type I Diabetes & Type II Diabetes,
    • Breast and Colon Cancer (linked to Vitamin D Deficiency),
    • Depression and even schizophrenia.

    Vitamin D is actually a prohormone and not technically a vitamin: a vitamin is defined as a substance that is not made naturally by the body but must be supplied in the diet to maintain life processes. But in fact, we make most of our vitamin D by the action of ultraviolet light (sunlight) on the vitamin D originator that is found in our skin. We only get very small amounts of vitamin D from our diet, although increasingly, it is added to foods eaten by children in an attempt to prevent rickets in the population.

    How to Use 

    blood spot use introduction