Understanding and Managing Acne: A Comprehensive Guide Part 5 Complications

Publicado por Behcet Bicakci en


Acne Complication

Acne, a prevalent skin condition affecting millions worldwide, is often perceived as a transient issue associated with adolescence. However, the aftermath of persistent or severe acne can leave enduring reminders in the form of scarring and emotional distress. These complications, though distinct, intertwine to influence an individual's perception of self and overall well-being.

When acne lesions, particularly nodules and cysts, burst or are subjected to picking or squeezing, they can lead to scarring. The resulting scars manifest in various forms: ice pick scars, resembling punctured holes; rolling scars, causing uneven skin texture; and boxcar scars, forming depressions or craters. Managing acne scarring necessitates understanding the available treatment options and setting realistic expectations.

Treating acne scarring often involves cosmetic surgical procedures, which may not be covered by standard healthcare. Exceptions may be considered in cases where scarring induces significant psychological distress. Consulting a healthcare professional, like a general practitioner (GP), becomes crucial when considering cosmetic procedures. Private clinics offer a spectrum of treatments, with costs varying widely based on the chosen method.

Various treatments exist to address acne scarring:

1. Dermabrasion involves removing the skin's top layer using lasers or specialized brushes, resulting in redness and soreness during the healing process.

2. Laser treatment, either ablative or non-ablative, aims to either remove damaged skin or stimulate collagen growth for skin repair.

3. Punch techniques, including excision, elevation, and grafting, target specific scar types like ice pick or boxcar scars.

4. Subcision surgically treats rolling scars by separating the upper skin layer from underlying scar tissue to promote collagen formation.

Despite these treatments' efficacy in improving scar appearance, complete scar removal remains elusive. Managing expectations becomes paramount in pursuing these procedures.

Beyond physical implications, acne can significantly impact mental health, potentially leading to depression. The emotional toll of acne, combined with social withdrawal due to anxiety and stress, may contribute to depressive symptoms. Identifying signs of depression, such as persistent feelings of hopelessness or disinterest in activities, warrants seeking professional support.

Treatment for depression may encompass talking therapies like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) or medications like Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs). Seeking assistance from healthcare providers remains pivotal in addressing the emotional ramifications of acne.

Support networks and resources play a vital role in coping with acne-related challenges. Organisations like the British Association of Dermatologists and online communities offer guidance, information, and a platform to share experiences.

Additionally, makeup can serve as a practical tool to conceal scars and boost confidence, especially for facial scars. Specialised camouflage makeup is available over the counter or recommended by GPs can effectively cover scars.

Saliva Hormone Testing in Acne Treatment and Advantages

Saliva hormone testing emerges as a valuable, non-invasive means to gauge hormone levels in saliva samples. Its significance lies in potentially pinpointing hormonal imbalances linked to acne. Key hormones like testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, and DHEAS wield substantial influence over acne development. Analysing saliva for hormone levels equips healthcare experts with insights into these imbalances' contribution to acne. For instance, heightened androgens, notably testosterone, can spur sebaceous glands to overproduce sebum, fostering acne. Likewise, irregular levels of estrogen and progesterone can disrupt skin equilibrium, elevating breakout susceptibility.

The advantages of saliva hormone testing in acne management are notable. Firstly, it permits tailored treatment plans, capitalizing on individual hormone imbalances for more precise outcomes. Early detection, another boon, flags hormonal irregularities before visible symptoms arise, potentially curbing severe acne and minimising scarring risks. Moreover, this testing method facilitates continuous monitoring during treatment, enabling adjustments for optimal efficacy.


Understanding the complexities of acne, including its potential complications and emotional toll, fosters a more holistic approach to its management. From exploring treatment avenues for scars to addressing mental health concerns, a comprehensive approach is pivotal in supporting individuals navigating the aftermath of acne.

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