Blog — long covid and hormones

Q&A with Dr. Jade Teta: Women, Hormones and Weight Loss

Publicado por Ben White en

By Dr Nina Silberstein, BA. Women who are in perimenopause, menopause or post-menopause sometimes feel like they’re living in a different body. Many have a hard time losing or controlling their weight—whether it’s due to shifting and declining hormones and a slowing down of metabolism combined with stress. We sat down with integrative physician, Jade Teta, to talk about the role of hormones and weight, why he thinks some women are having difficulty losing or controlling their weight, and what they can do about it. As a practitioner of naturopathic medicine, Dr. Teta is an expert in nutrition, exercise, and...

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Part IV: Long COVID and Axis Dysregulation

Publicado por Carly Webb en

By Dr. Tracy Tranchitella, ND (ZRT Laboratory) For anyone who has dealt with issues that are related to chronic fatigue has likely evaluated their hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis performance through a multi-point salivary test. The hormone Cortisol is measured in saliva when the samples are collected through predetermined intervals throughout a single day reveal one’s physiological resilience and metabolic reserve in response to daily stressors. HPA axis testing is a mainstay in the world of integrative, naturopathic, and functional medicine. For the past 2 years, the world has existed under the constant shadow of COVID-19. To say that we have been “stressed” is an...

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