Blog — hormone levels

Who, When, and How to Test with ZRT: Empowering Health and Wellness

Publicado por Behcet Bicakci en

  In the ever-evolving world of healthcare, understanding the intricacies of our bodies is paramount to making informed decisions about our well-being. ZRT Laboratory, a pioneer in hormone and wellness testing, offers an accessible and convenient way to do just that. With simple home collection kits for saliva, dried blood spot, and dried urine samples, ZRT empowers individuals to take charge of their health. This blog will explore who should consider testing, when is the right time, and how the process works. Who to Test Candidates for hormone testing include both men and women experiencing a range of symptoms, such...

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HORMONE BALANCE: The Key to Health

Publicado por Behcet Bicakci en

Our bodies are intricate systems that rely on various processes to maintain optimal health. One crucial aspect of this intricate web is hormone balance. Hormones, secreted by the endocrine system, act as chemical messengers, orchestrating numerous functions within our bodies. Maintaining a harmonious balance of hormones is vital for overall well-being and plays a significant role in our health.The Complexity of Hormonal Interactions:The endocrine system consists of several glands dispersed throughout the body, working together to regulate hormone production and release. Although each gland has its specific functions, they operate collectively as one system. Hormones travel through the bloodstream, influencing...

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Publicado por Ben White en

In this article you will find more information about andropause and its effect in men's life. A man entering andropause generally notices is a subtle downward shift in strength and energy as hormone levels taper off. Muscle tone and stamina are the first to go and he starts to gain weight and that "spare tire." He may also develop a voracious appetite and food cravings he never had before. As symptoms kick in at mid-life, hormone testing can identify hidden imbalances that complicate symptoms of andropause and contribute to rapid aging.  The majority of men in the study (2006 HIM Study)...

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